Why hello to all readers of this blog and welcome. What made you stumble upon this blog? I don’t really know, nor do I really care (ok actually I do, and I wanted to put one of those poll question thingy’s that survey’s usually have, the “how did you hear about us” thing, but that is way too much work and I don’t have a clue on how to do that either). Anyways, sorry for that tangent. As an introductory note for myself, my name is Blair. And I’m a boy. I just like to clarify that before things get rolling, cuz it is after all a unisex name. Born and raised in St. George, Utah. Unlike Corey, I’ve lived in one house all my life, then went on a mission to the Philippines and come home to a different house, within eyesight of home I grew up in. After a boring first 6 months and semester at Dixie State, I transferred up here to BYU and have been stuck in Provo for the last 3 years. Recently engaged..(sorry ladies) haha, I don’t know why I laughed that wasn’t funny. If you knew me maybe it would be though. So you can laugh too.
Anyways, enough about me… and on to why you need to read this blog. And tell your friends about it. And your mom. And your friends moms. The purpose of this blog is to analyze. Analyze the world. Haha I don’t even know… but what I do know is it is gonna bring a smile to your face and a tear to your eye. My analogy of this trio? THE BIG 3.

No. Not that big 3.
This big 3.
Why you ask? Maybe you didn’t ask. But I will tell anyways. We all recognize these brands in the auto industry here in America. We are 3 extremely competitive guys that all bring something different to the table. The GM and the Ford trucks bring the power to the table. The durability. The dependability. Although similar they both have very different styles too. This is me and Brock. Mottos – “Like a rock” and “Built Ford tough.” Then there is Corey… the Chrystler. Style and Class.
That is why this blog is going to be funny. Not only funny, but inspiring. Funspiring if you will. And now that you have read this far I expect you here often.
And that’s all I got to say about the war in Vietnam,
B. Robert Frei
You truly are all that is man.