Thursday, May 13, 2010

“I don’t always read blogs, but when I do, I prefer Uneffective People.” –The Most Interesting Man in the World’s twin brother.

Now that we’ve amassed over 200 views, I guess its time to reveal the reasons behind this blog. We really didn’t know how we would be received, but so far, cyberspace has been hospitable and even encouraging. We’ve received comments, feedback, and even have a handful of followers. Now that we have been accepted by our peers, we can attempt to explain the logic (or lack thereof) behind this little nugget of literary gold.

First things first, what are “Uneffective People?” Before I explain that, did you know that “uneffective” isn’t even a word? And every time I type it, my computer tries to correct me. There are red squiggles all over the place right now. The real word is “ineffective.” We thought that letting our ineffectiveness speak for itself is just like Alanis Morissette penned. "Its like ray-ee-aaaaain, on your wedding day.” Or “a freeeee riiiiiiiiiide, when you’re already late.” Maybe “the good adviiiiiiiiice, that you just can’t take. Who woulda thunk?” We figerred. Isn’t it ironic? Don’t you think? We thought so. Other than that, we don’t really have a reason. Are we really uneffective people? You decide. But consider this, I’m writing this post while I sit in the waiting area at the Blood Plasma Donation Center. If you ask me, that’s pretty darn efficient and/or effective. So maybe we are only uneffective some of the time.

But ya, we’re just 3 guys in our early to mid 20’s that do things a little different than others. We consider ourselves talented and full of promise, but maybe don’t use our talents the way they were intended. For example, we are all very observant, clever people. But instead of using those abilities to point out the good in the world, we tend to notice the small things that don’t make sence or can be twisted or are being done wrong. (Such as the typo in that last sentence. If you noticed, welcome aboard.) And usually we notice them in the things people say. My advice to anyone speaking, commenting, or facebooking us: Don’t say it unless you are sure you mean it. We all know one of the oldest jokes in the book. When someone says, “I’m hungry.” You reply, “Hi Hungry, I’m ____________ (state your name here).” Ya, that’s child’s play compared what we do (although we never pass up the opportunity to use that one). For another example, Blair once said to me, “Dude, you ready to go? Lets bounce.” To which I replied, “Ya, I’m ready, but I’d rather just walk.” Man, typing this out makes us sound really lame. But trust me, its funny in person. Just try it with your friends. If they don’t like it, they shouldn’t be your friends. And not always are our jokes funny. They sometimes are annoying. But every once in a while, someone strikes it rich with a funny one. That’s what makes it all worth it.

Another thing that we uneffective people do is to quote commercials. I mean, people are spending millions on their marketing and advertising campaigns. Why let that go to waste!? So keep your eyes peeled for commercial quotes. But only the most cheesy of them. And as you read, don’t hold back anything. If you want to yell out, “WOW! THAT’S A GOOD BLOG!” just do it. I’m sure someone will ask you if you said something about a good blog. When you show it to them, and they yell, “WHOA! THAT IS A GOOD BLOG!” You can simply yell back, “I KNOW!!!”

And that, my friends, is all I have for now. Just remember, Uneffective People. Where cleverness blogs from. Bu bu bu bu bu bu BLOGGER!!!


  1. A college grad that is still giving Plasma to get by? I am utterly gobsmacked by the revelation that you are not married yet. Next your going blow my mind and and reveal you sleep on a couch.

    How does it feel being sandwiched between an autistic hobo and a women that has had multiple back alley abortions? Here's a real question....

    Does she just carry a coat hanger with her everywhere now for convenience?

    I noticed the pic on your blog of you and your handsome roommate celebrating Christmas. Never has a picture been so gay that I really have no clue who is the top in the relationship.

    If by some miracle your not gay, but only bi-curious, then I would really like to view pics of the ladies that enter your crib. I'm sure none of them would be thin, blonde college students, that are at church every Sunday and yet for some inexplicable reason couldn't hold a gospel conversation if it were glued to their hand. But who cares? They're hot and they still will be until you knock them up and they finally find that that kinky threesome they had always desired: Dr OZ, Arby's and their hips ( Which at first drew you in because they were feminine and built for giving you those 12 kids you always desired, but are now taking out doorways and young couples that walk just a little too far apart)

    In conclusion, I almost miss you.

  2. Ok, after reading a few of your posts my mom and I were trying to decide why this blog is called "uneffective" when it's not even a word. So thank you for this post. Also, I know I'm not as clever as you and your friends, but I was glad that I at least knew that uneffective is not a word. :)

  3. This blog is really living up to its name

  4. Despite the fact that I'm slightly disturbed by Sam Caudle's comment I'm going to just leave my comment I intended to leave...
    You are quite possibly the most hilarious individual I've ever not met :)
