Friday, May 7, 2010

Rounding out the top 3...

Hi everyone. Welcome to my introduction. Alphabetically, I come in last in the group. The two B’s trump the C. I’m ok with that. There are plenty of sayings about being last that I could use to make myself feel better about being last. But I won’t use them here. My analogy of us? Two turntables and a microphone. I’m the mic. They do the hard work, and I’m the one who doesn’t do anything but sit around until its Showtime! Haha. (I’m gonna do “haha”s and “Lol”s a lot. Get used to it. Texting and IM-ing have ruined me.) But I like these guys a lot. And as you will notice, we aren't perfect. Brock occasionally uses language that some would consider "rough." I have been caught biting my nails a time or two. And has Blair ever wiped when there was no toilet paper...? Maybe that's a story for another day. lol. But might I say, I truly loved reading their intros. Very clever. Very funny. Except Brock's paragraph about how we met. Brock, don't act like I haven't been a huge blessing in your life. Might I mention how things have changed for you in the last month since i've been here? I don't want to get too specific, but maybe the term, "long brown hair" rings a bell? Think about it... within the last month... Ya, that's right. I'm referring to how I unclogged your shower drain so it drains like normal. Please, stop shaving your legs in the shower...

Ok, enough rambling. Here are some RAQ’s (Rarely Asked Questions). And A’s. So what is my approach to blogging? “This could be fun!!” What makes me qualified to be a blogger you are interested in reading about? (Yes, I will end my sentences with prepositions quite frequently. If it bugs you, I’m probably not the blogger for you. If you don’t know what a preposition is, or why prepos-ending a sentence is annoying to some, we are going to get along great!) So, what qualifies me? Shoot, I should be asking you what qualifies you to read my ingenious posts?! (I’m not quite sure if “ingenious” means what I want it to mean. We all know what the prefix “in-“ does to the word, “famous.” But I think “ingenious” means really smart/clever, so I’m leaving it.) Anyway, I don’t know what qualifies me. Come to think of it, what qualifies anyone to be a blogger? (Yes, I did just answer a question with a question… twice! I’m a definite fan of Q4Q’s.) I guess if you like what I write, I’m qualified. If not, then I’m still qualified, you just have poor taste. “Intaste,” if you will.

A little about me: (This is the boring part. I’d skip it if I were you. Then again, maybe that last part was boring too… sorry if it was. Just read the non-fact/all opinion part of the blog instead. Not this facts-only section. If you like the actual bloggy part, and are interested in knowing why I am the way I am, you can look up my info here later. But I’d hate for our UP Incredi-blog to be ruined because you judged it based on my boring facts of life. So I’ll see you back here later.) You kept reading huh? Fine, but I warned you. I’m the oldest of 4 boys, and still the tallest. (Quinn, you are the last threat. But I’m not scared of you.) I grew up in a bunch of different places: Northern and Southern Utah, Iowa, Oregon, and Hawaii. I lived in 11 different houses by the time I turned 16. The longest I’ve lived anywhere was in Hawaii. My life timeline (lifeline?) goes basically like this. Utah (two weeks), Hawaii (two years), Utah (five years), Hawaii (three years), Utah (five months), Hawaii (two years), Iowa (two years), Hawaii (two years), Oregon (three years), Chile (two years, LDS mission. I didn’t mention Chile earlier because I didn’t grow up there, thank you very much), Oregon (two years), Hawaii (two years), Oregon (four months), Utah (6 months), Oregon (one year), and now I’m back in Utah. Whew, putting that on paper even surprised me! For the few of you who didn’t do the math, that puts me at just over 27 years old. Well… that’s false. As I write this, I am still 26. I rounded up with all the year measurements. So that made me older than I actually am. (Just like Blair and Brock do all the time. Can’t wait for all their old-jokes to be immortalized through our blog.) I hope you aren’t offended by my casual attitude towards time reporting. (I venture that more of you are offended that I wasn’t more casual and instead of all the details you wish I had just told you about my lifeline by saying I moved a lot but survived. Sorry. I told you this was boring.) I went to Mt. Hood Community College (GO SAINTS!) before going to BYU-Hawaii (MORMON OARMEN UNITE!) where I received my Bachelor’s Degree in International Business Management. Yeah, that’s right. College Grad right here. I played basketball in college, and now can finally put that experience to use in doing something I’ve wanted to do my entire life: City League basketball. Yes, my whole life has been pointing to this. Rec league all-star in the making… lol.

As far as blogging goes, I think I’ll be funny. But the proof is in the pudding. (True UP’s will be all over that line.) I think I’m a good writer, but I also think you need to know me to understand my tone and voice in writing. I once wrote an article for a school newspaper. It was about dating. Most all of my friends thought it was hilarious and well done, but people who didn’t know me thought it was rude and horribly written. So I hope that doesn’t transfer here. Although I don’t really know how someone who doesn’t know me will find this blog if it isn’t any good. Hahaha. In an effort to combat my writing dysfunction, I hope to post some videos of me and the UP Guys. I think seeing us visually (redundant) will work wonders for you as an audience. Cuz we’re some funny guys in person. Just ask our moms.

Alright, I’m done. This was way too long. If you made it this far, you must be a huge fan. Thanks again, Mom. (Too soon for another “only-a-mom-could-love” joke? Probably. Deal with it. They were both funny.) Well, I’m tired. This one-hour workday thing is exhausting.

Uneffectively yours,



  1. I'm going to start using the word, 'intaste'. It's gonna catch on just like the -izzle suffix did.

  2. Thanks guys for giving us all something to read in our spare time. So excited to share this blogging journey with you guys. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
